Make your home work for you, not against you.

Sunnyside Organizing founder, Katrine Burkitt, organizing a closet.

Let us help you transform your space into everything you’ve ever dreamed and more! 

After purging, sorting, organizing and styling your space, we haul up to a carload of donations at the end of each session. In addition, we can arrange appointments with other service providers if needed, including junk removal, carpenters/handymen, movers, electricians and plumbers (each of whom we have worked with before, know and trust).

Organizing a kid's room.
Katrine Burkitt of organizing a closet.
Sunnyside Organizing sizes up a big project.


General decluttering: Piles on tables and in the corners? We got this.

Kids’ rooms: Can you see the floor? It’s under there, and we can reveal it!

Kitchens: Where is that potato masher? We’ll help you find it.

Bedrooms: Too many clothes you don’t wear? Let’s pare down.

✓ Closets: When you open the door, do things fall out on your head? It doesn’t have to be that way!

✓ Pantries: Did your food expire in WWII?? Don’t eat it.

✓ Basements: Are you afraid to go down there? We can fix that!

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